The Houses in Western Astrology

The Houses in Western Astrology

A birth chart is divided into 12 sections called houses, each house represents a key area of life. Houses can only be found using the correct time of birth, they are calculated using Earth’s 24-hour rotation, whilst the planets and zodiac signs are found using the Sun’s yearly rotation. Both of these methods combined form a complete birth chart.

Houses reveal key areas which become more focused in our lives, where personal lessons, growth and meaningful events happen.

The planets can be seen as teachers, our sign is how we approach those lessons and the houses are the areas where those lessons occur.

The zodiac begins with the 1st house in the sign of Aries and goes counter-clockwise. By combining planet, house and sign, we can uncover more personal and unique interpretations.

1st House is ruled by Aries and Mars
The 1st house begins the zodiac and is commonly known as ‘the house of self’. Ruled by Aries and mars, it is the house that represents first impressions, our ego, physical appearance, how we present ourselves to the world and the new people we meet. By looking at the first house placements we can see how we lead, approach, or start anything new.

2nd House is ruled by Taurus and Venus
The 2nd house also known as the house of possessions, it is ruled by Taurus and Venus. The 2nd house represents material possessions, physical desires such as taste, smells, sound, touch, and sight. The natural instincts of the 1st house become our needs in the 2nd house. The need for stability, security, physical satisfaction, love, possessions, and what we truly value and desire in the material world. As well as material needs, the 2nd house along with the 6th and 10th can give clues into the careers we may choose or would do well in.

3rd House is ruled by Gemini and Mercury
The 3rd house which is known as the house of communication and intellect is ruled by Gemini/Mercury. The 3rd house represents early education, all types of communication, our thought process, writing abilities, as well as siblings, close community, and short trips. The 3rd house shows how we process thoughts, communicate, and share ideas. In this house, we can get insight into our early education and skill development, which is then further developed and worked on later in our 9th house placements.

4th house is ruled by Cancer and Moon
The 4th house is ruled by cancer and the moon. Known as ‘the house of home’. It is positioned at the bottom of the birth chart and rules the foundations of our lives. The 4th house is our private life, our home, basic security, and our parents. It represents where we all start and the foundations that we desire to build and create for ourselves.

5th house is ruled by Leo and Sun
The 5th house rules Leo and the Sun, known to be ‘the house of pleasure’. It represents creativity, fun activities, entertainment, play, children, and romance. Where our 5th house is placed, we can get insight into where and how we express creativity, self-expression, our romantic, playful side, as well as the child within us.

6th house is ruled by Virgo and Mercury
The 6th house is ruled by Virgo and mercury, known as ‘the house of work’. It rules wellness, health, routine, service, work environment, schedules as well as small pets. Our everyday habits and how we manage day-to-day tasks can be found here. The 6th house also gives us insight into our own health and how we may approach diets and exercise. Like the 2nd and 10th houses, the 6th house can show the kind of work environment we feel most comfortable in, giving insight into careers we enjoy.

7th House is ruled by Libra and Venus
The 7th house is ruled by Libra and Venus, known as the house of partnership. It rules all partnerships in both business and personal, binds and any type of contract. The 7th house is where the focus of one-to-one relationships is. By looking at the placements in our chart, we can see how we may approach and feel about one-to-one commitments with others, the timing, and feelings towards marriage, binds or contracts and what we expect, give or receive in these commitments.

8th House is ruled by Scorpio and Pluto
The 8th house is ruled by Scorpio and Pluto. Known as the house of transformation. The 8th house represents rebirth, transformations, death, passion, hidden truth, and meaningful connections. The 8th house is also connected to other people’s assets, debt, taxes, inheritances, joint finances, and loans. This house connects us to transformation, by looking at the 8th house we gain insight into the personal challenges we must face, these can be truly dark and deep, but they are crucial in order for us to change and grow.

9th House is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter
The 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. Known as the house of expansion, the 9th house represents higher education, wisdom, religion, philosophy, law, all that is foreign, optimism and luck. Like the 3rd house, 9th house also rules writing, publishing and publishers. In our birth chart, the 9th house can show areas where we desire to expand our higher knowledge through experiences.

10th house is ruled by Capricorn and planet Saturn
The 10th house is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn, known as the house of public image. It is placed right at the top of the chart in the most public view, showing our public image surrounding our careers. The 10th house shows how we work towards what we want in the long run, the lessons we are learning to overcome and use. The 10th house rules structure, tradition, public image, old age, achievements, reward, restriction, delay, karma, and the father/authoritative figure. By looking at the 10th house we can also gain insight into what areas we may experience delay or restriction, especially during earlier life.

11th house is ruled by Aquarius and planet Uranus
The 11th house is ruled by Aquarius and Uranus, known as ‘the house of innovation’. The 11th house rules originality, groups, sudden events, invention, astronomy, science fiction, social justice, humanitarian causes, and all things futuristic. By looking at the 11th house we gain insight into the kind of friends or organizations we tend to lean towards and what our hopes and dreams are for life and the future.

12th house is ruled by Pisces and planet Neptune
The 12th house is ruled by Pisces and Neptune. Known as the house of endings. This house rules the spiritual realm, our subconscious, expressive arts like poetry or dance, dreams, as well as isolation, prisons, hospitals, hidden enemies, and all things done behind the scenes. By looking at the 12th house we can confront the deeper depths of our mind, soul, and hidden weaknesses. The 12th house reveals deep hidden truths we should learn to confront and find balance with. The 12th house is all about spiritual transformation.

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