The Planets in Western Astrology

The Planets in Western Astrology

In astrology there are inner and outer planets. The inner planets are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars. These planets are closer to the earth and make their way around quicker than the outer planets, in Astrology they call them personal planets.

Inner planets are known to have some influence towards our personalities, through our character we learn to control and shape the choices we make. They give us a unique identity, a sense of purpose and are behind the drive and motivation in our daily lives.

Outer planets move slower through the sky, and influence the larger and more uncontrollable events that become part of our lives. While the inner planets shape who we are, the outer planets shape larger life events, as well as experiences that are shared by generations. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The Sun is at the center of the universe, all the planets revolve around the Sun. It represents light, warmth, life, purity, purpose, and vitality. The Sun is at the center of where we find a great sense of purpose. In our charts the Sun sign will show what fuels our ego, where our soul finds true meaning and belonging, showing us who we are learning to become, how we want to proceed in attaining our personal goals.

Keywords: Vitality, life purpose, fuel, radiance, life force, creativity, ego.
Archetypes: Kin, royalty, lawful , child
Gods: Ra, surya, sol, inti, ahah, lugh, jesus, helios, apollo
Ruler: Leo
Exaltation: Aries Detriment: Aquarius Fall: Libra
The voice of the sun: “I create, I radiate.”

The Moon represents the inner self, emotional needs, habits, the mind and instinct reactions. The Moon is the ruler of Cancer. It links us with early life experiences and memories, giving insight into how we were nurtured and what makes us feel secure and content. Through the Moon, we see what makes us emotionally secure, how we instinctively react or respond to problems and how we deal with them emotionally. We can also see how we are willing to show love and nurture others as well as ourselves.

Keywords: Emotion, mood, home, mother, instinct, internal, memories
Ruler: Cancer
Exaltation: Taurus Detriment: Capricorn Fall: Scorpio
Archetypes: Mother, nurse, hostess, caregiver, hospitality
Gods: Artemis, Selene, Isis, Luna, Mary, Cerridwen, Soma, Kuan, Yin, Durgha
Charka: 6th
Day of the week: Monday
The voice of the Moon: “I feel, I need.”

Mercury is known as the messenger of the zodiac, ruling both Gemini and Virgo. Mercury represents communication, intellect, logical thinking, taking thoughts and ideas and finding creative ways of communicating them to the world. Wherever Mercury is placed in our charts can tell us more about the style of our communication, how we best process thought, organize, and express our mind to the world.

Keywords: communication, thinking, perception, mind, education, languages
intelligence, siblings, internet, telephones, messenger, writer
Ruler: Gemini, Virgo
Exaltation: Virgo Detriment: Sagittarius Fall: Pisces
Archetypes: Messenger, troubadour, performer, writer, scribe
Gods: Hermes, iris, wodan, loki, castor and pollux, saraswati
Chakra: 5th
Day of the week: Wednesday
Voice of mercury: “I think, I perceive.”

Venus is known as the planet of love and beauty, ruling both Libra and Taurus. Venus represents love and possessions. It is the planet of worldly pleasure, romance, material desire, art and beauty. Venus shows us where we take pleasure from and what values we personally hold for personal material and physical needs. Through venus we can see how we approach more intimate relationships, what physically and materially satisfies us and how we view personal finance and material possessions.

Keywords: love, beauty, creativity, visionary, intimacy, friendship, femininity
Ruler: Taurus and Libra
Exaltation: Pisces Detriment: Aries/Scorpio Fall: Virgo
Archetypes: the lover, the artist, the beautician
Gods: aphrodite, freya, radha-krishna, mary magdalene, cupid, eros
Chakra: 4th
Day of the week: Friday
The voice of Venus: “I love, I attract”

Mars is known as the red planet of war and action. It is the ruler of Aries. Mars represents passion, will, drive and determination. While Venus is the planet of inner desires, Mars shows our natural instincts towards how we approach and act out our desires. Mars influences the energy we put into immediate needs, frustration and career goals. In our birth chart, Mars can show how we take action towards ambition and daily pursuits, it also reveals what our competitive nature is like and how much stamina we have.

Keywords: passion, force, drive, masculinity, protector
Ruler: Scorpio, Aries
Exaltations: Capricorn Detriment: Libra Fall: Cancer
Archetypes: warrior, hero, general, samurai, athlete
Gods: ares, indra, hercules, achilles, nergal
Chakra: 3rd
Day of the week: Tuesday
The voice of Mars: “I desire, I will and I can”

Jupiter is known as the king of the Gods, ruling Sagittarius. It is the planet of expansion, knowledge, wisdom, optimism, religion, philosophy, law and higher learning. Where Jupiter is placed in our chart can show the type of studies we might be more drawn towards. Subjects such as philosophy, metaphysics, law and astrology all co,e under Jupiter. Jupiter is about expanding knowledge and collecting wisdom through higher learning. Looking at Jupiter can show where we express our morals, values, religious and intellectual beliefs.

Keywords: Wisdom, knowledge, traveler, culture, opportunist, luck, faith, religion, belief, fortune, philosopher, spirituality
Ruler: Sagittarius, Pisces
Exaltation: Cancer Detriment: Virgo/Gemini Fall: Capricorn
Archetypes: Preacher, guru, teacher, traveler, gypsy, nomad, scholar, religious pilgrim
Gods: Zeus, thor, indra
Chakra: 2nd
Day of the week: Thursday
The voice of jupiter: “I grow, I believe”

Saturn is known as the planet of time, it is the ruler of Capricorn. While Jupiter rules expansion, Saturn represents the opposite which is delay and limitations. It is the planet associated with karma, tradition, old age, and lengthly life lessons. Through our placement of Saturn, we can find the areas in which we may see delay, restriction or hard work. We can also see how we best approach situations of leadership, tradition and discipline. Saturn forces us to learn structure, patience and gain a real experience in areas of the house it sits in. Only through time, commitment and work does saturn start to give rewards where it is placed which is why it is called a planet of restriction.

Keywords: Discipline, responsibility, father, obstacles, lessons, karma, time, responsibility, boundaries, tradition, realism, practicality and old age.
Ruler: Capricorn, Aquarius
Exaltation: Libra Detriment: Cancer and Leo Fall: Aries
Archetypes: Father, time, grim reaper, wise elder, scrooge, boss
Gods: Chronos, Shani
Chakra: 1st
Day of the week: Saturday
The voice of saturn: “I discipline, I concentrate, I mature”

Uranus is known as the planet of the sky and the heavens. It is the ruler of Aquarius. Uranus rules innovation, scientific inventions, electricity, technology and all that is progressive and eccentric. It is also the only planet which is bent. Uranus is a slow-moving planet, we share our sign with others of the same generation. In the house where Uranus is placed we can see where this energy plays out. Uranus pulls us to stretch beyond tradition and explore all possibilities. While Saturn is the planet of limitations, Uranus is the planet that seeks liberation, a rebel breaking through structure and limits. Uranus is about the future, exploring beyond established tradition, motivating us to think and act outside the box. Uranus can show us where we look to be unique and where we innovate forward-thinking ideas.

Keywords: Originality, change, innovation, inventive, radical energy, science,
rebellion, ideas, intellectual brilliance, shock, chaos, future
Ruler: Aquarius
Exaltation: Scorpio Detriment: Virgo Fall: Taurus
Archetypes: The inventor, rebel, revolutionary, mad scientist
Gods: Prometheus, Ouranos, Hephaestus, Hebe, Horus
Chakra: 7th
The voice of Uranus: “I rebel, I liberate and I individuate.”

Neptune known as the planet of the deep sea, it is the ruler of Pisces. Neptune represents the subconscious mind, influencing hopes, dreams and fantasy, provoking imagination, belief, spirituality and the other realm which we cannot see. Neptune rules all visual communication, such as photography, film, animation, music, poetry and other arts that allow us to escape normal everyday reality and enter into a state we find more ideal. Neptune also brings inspiration and beauty to a higher, more spiritual level and brings out the sensitive and imaginative side of ourselves. Like Uranus, our sign in neptune will be shared with other people in the same generation. Looking at the house placement shows where and how we express our imagination and intuition through creativity and deep emotions.

Keywords: Imagination, unity, dream, psychic universal love, escapism, visionary, mystic, spirituality, compassion, fantasy, hospitals, prisons, artistic, dance, cinema.
Ruler: Pisces
Exaltation: Leo Detriment: Aquarius Fall: Capricorn
Archetypes: Artist, martyr, saviour, victim, mystic, prophet, psychic
Gods: Poseidon, fairy, spirits, sirens, nereids, nymphs, quan yin, buddha
The voice of neptune: “I dream, I inspire”

Pluto is known as the planet of the underworld, it is the ruler of Scorpio. Pluto represents subconscious forces, ruling all that is hidden, it is associated with power, rebirth, transformation, and evolution. Like Uranus, Saturn and Neptune, Pluto by sign will be shared with other people of the same generation. Looking at which house pluto is sitting in your chart will be the area where its energy is most felt. Pluto also brings mass change into all our lives, it is often long lasting and transforming, effecting the whole generation. Pluto’s energy and influence can be chaotic and destructive, exposing secrets, breaking down old beliefs and systems before building and creating a place for something new. In our chart, pluto shows where we search for truth, deeper meaning, and the areas of life you may experience great change and transformation involving matters of power and control.

Keywords: Transformation, rebirth, surrender, crisis, control, the subconscious, renewal, sex, power, crime, violence, secrets, societies, mass, past life regression, evolution
Ruler: Scorpio
exaltation: Aries. Detriment: Taurus. Fall: Libra
Archetypes: sharman, alchemist, psychotherapist, dictator, criminal
Gods: Kali, shiva, hades, persphone, ereshkigal, orion, varna
The voice of Neptune: “I surrender, I transform, I regenerate”

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